This fuel saving tip for Sebastopol residents is so simple you won't believe it. It has to do with your gas cap. The first thing is to make sure it's screwed on tight. If it's loose, gas vapor will be...
A lot of gas is wasted in dirty fuel delivery systems. Let’s start at the tank. The gas tank gathers of dirt, rust and sediment over the years. That’s why there’s a...
Each time we fuel up our vehicles, we get a little whiff of gasoline, so the smell is very familiar. There shouldn’t be any gasoline smell in or around your vehicle when you are away from the ga...
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Most Sebastopol residents associate turbochargers and superchargers with hot rods and racing. However, the number of everyday cars and trucks coming to Sebastopol from the factory...
I’d like to give you a quick overview of the fuel system. It starts with the fuel tank. The fuel pump is located inside the tank and pumps fuel out to the engine. Somewhere alo...
When we Sebastopol travel around CA, each of us must deal with blind spots. We can greatly reduce our blind spots by properly adjusting our vehicle mirrors to give the widest coverage possible. We sho...
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If you haven't looked into diesel engines lately, you may be interested in today's post. Why should you care about modern diesel engines? Fuel efficiency, for starters. Because di...
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Most Sebastopol residents associate turbochargers and superchargers with hot rods and racing. However, the number of everyday cars and trucks coming to Sebastopol from the fa...